
Showing posts from August, 2012

Big Data - As Seen on TV!

Hi everyone! Now that the Olympics is over, I’ve been left with nothing to watch on TV.. until now! Being a fan of stuff like Lost, I thought I’d give ‘ Person of Interest ’ a go. Shown on CBS in the US; the first episode was aired here in the UK by Channel 5 on Tuesday. It’s got a good pedigree with people like Jonathan Nolan and J. J. Abrams involved and stars Jim Caviezel (the guy who played Jesus in that film about Jesus) and Michael Emerson (Ben from Lost). Now, I’m not going to review the show itself here.. All I’ll say is that Jim Caviezel wore an obviously fake beard, acted a little robotic and Michael Emerson had a fantastic fake limp. Anyway, the show is set in modern day America with an ex-CIA agent (Caveizel) being picked up by a strange Billionaire (Emerson) who offers him a job. The pitch went something like this: “Imagine if you knew that something bad was going to happen to someone. It could be a terrible accident or murder or something else. ...