Product Management is just like Google Maps
Now, bear with me on this one! The whole analogy piece has been done before, so apologies if this one has already been done. I'm not plagiarising, it just occurred to me that this made sense. For some nice examples of stretching an analogy, check out Darth Vader as a Project Manager and Leadership Lessons from Captain Kirk . And yes, I do enjoy the odd Sci Fi movie now and again! Google Maps & Product Management It's all about scale. As a Product Manager, you need to be able to think about things on the macro and micro level. Now for the analogy... StreetView If you search for a location on Google Maps and use the StreetView application, you get a great look at where you actually want to be. Just in the same way that a Product Manager will focus on one task at a time. For example, I may need to write a presentation for an event: Great, let's focus on that. However, I'll also need to be thinking about the wider piece and how my presentation will fit in wit...